Datum objave: 10.11.2016.

What is QMC?

QMC is a network ICT application which enables project and process management in business, public and personal administration via usual office files  but in diferent and more effective  way from existing Microsoft Office organizational model.


What is the aimed problem that QMC model addresses?


It is one of the biggest problem of today - inefficient public administrative overload.


Around the world, the public sector is under siege: Taxpayers everywhere want better, cheaper government. The message is simple:  what's needed is a complete reinvention of government. Government bureaucracies could be smaller in many areas. The concept of 'reinventing government' for better, cheaper government, has been around for two decades. Today, due to the social revolution it's an idea whose time has come. The problem is traditional hierachical organizationed government bureaucracy from industrial age. Old paradigm technology based on traditional vertical hierarchy has been in deep trouble for years now because it was poorly equipped to respond to the new business and public realities. ’, points out Don Tapscott, one of the world's leading authorities on innovation and technology in his New York Times bestseller  book 'The Digital Economy, 20th Anniversary Edition’, 2015.


Why existing BP ( Business Process ) applications did not help business and public administration?


The primary rule of technology in the business world is implementation of automation where the efficiency of the well organized business will further increase while by the same token the efficiency of the poorly organized business will decrease. Some of the existing BPR applications are great ICT tools in well designed process systems, they can speed up certain procedures and make them automated. But, certain sections of the operational and administrative procedures, especially in public administration, are being automated independently of the process as a whole so the efficiency of those type of systems is therefore not at the highest level. All the attempts to implement BPR solutions within the present  framework of the bureaucratic principle have contributed to further inefficiencies and bureaucracy multiplication.


Why existing MS office organizational model did not help business and public administration?


The famous administrative catch-22 of continuous “responsibility tossing” works hand in hand with the fragmented, disrupted and disconnected parts of the processes across the number of offices, perfectly covering their inefficiency.


In this regard nothing has changed with the implementation of the IC technologies for almost thirty years, since the beginning of Microsoft Windows.


Microsoft Office was built around bureaucratic administrative hierarchiacal model that has been applied to this day, with folder being its very core. The best testemony to this can be found on Microsoft support web page:


'A folder is a container you can use to store files in. If you had thousands paper files on your desk it would be nearly impossible to find any particular file when you need it. That's why people often store paper files in folders inside a filing cabinet. On your computer folder works in the same way. Folders can also store other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a subfolder. You can create any number of subfolders, and each can hold any number of files and additional subfolders.'


Folder concept is useful for arranging documents by author, subject, topic or other criteria, but not for performance or management of business operations and decision making, nor for efficiant organization of activities directed toward common goals and tasks.


Folders designed as containers are non transparent because one needs to click on each and every one in order to find the file with desired content. Increasing number of folders, and their vertical and horizontal structures sets parts of a certain process further apart, making them disconnected.


Recently evolved practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store and process data in ‘the cloud’, had primary aim to more rapidly adjust resources  and improve their manageability. By accepting the hierarchical - bureaucratic logic in Cloud computing, MS Share Point, MS One Page, MS Office 365 and all other document management applications, based on the same technology paradigm, failed to fulfill the great expectation of making business or public administration easier to use.


What advantage is of QMC use in administrative process efficiency improvement ?


QMC concept is based on a different, project and process based paradigm principle. Application of QMC model applies reasoned thinking which requires analog solutions before digital ones. Only when the fluent process flow is established by an analog approach, ICT digital algorithmic solutions can be introduced properly, giving the real additional value.

In QMC model, unlike in folder organization where we have to go from one level to another and open folders and subfolders one by one in order to find a certain file, we have on frontend screen possibility to find in one click desired area with complete mind map tree projects and processes structure overview: subjects, topics and files categorized and linked by process logic.


The two key areas in QMC frontend screen are:


Journal where process or project team participants:

Write down sequence of activities by steps, define actions by logic: who, what, how and after what, detect critical and control points, note observations and remarks, make suggestions for removal of obstacles and look for efficient solutions. The Journal of a certain project or process is recorded in unique common file, activity log in which all the participants mark their activities, leading to less need for numerous disintegrated e-mails and reports that only disperse the compactness of the process. The complete history of activities and communication is recorded in one place.


Procedure where process administrator:


On the same page creates procedure description and workflow chart, as well as implements improvements by revisions.


Screenshots for: Journal and Procedure


As opposed to diagrams that often contain intricate graph of procedure variants or their sub-procedures, QMC enables individual presentation and a one-click access to each version from file sequence on the screen:


Screenshots for: Procedure variants and subprocedures


W.Edwards Deming in postwar Japan taught all of his assembly line employees to stop the production at any time if one realizes the product in making has a serious flaw. This is because by the time the highest positioned in hierarchy realizes something bad is happening in the base, numerous products would have been wasted. Toyota and Sony applied this Deming's rule and turned themselves into Japan's technology giants. In a similar way Journal and Procedure are QMC model assembly lines for project and process administration management and critical control points.


What is additional, multiplier effect of applying QMC model?

By applying QMC model and using common Office file formats such as Word, Excel and PDF:

Procedures drafting  is no longer seen as tangled and complicated, nor requires specialized, expensive softwares ( SAP, Aris,etc. ) or outside consultant expert services.

Individual employees and work teams will be freed from hierarchical limitations  and will not need to be educated and trained for specialized BPR software solutions.

The result product will show that working teams of participants on certain administrative projects and proccesses are the ones who can contribute the most to their efficiency.

The employees will become the self-learning knowledge workers not only administrative bureaucrats.

QMC application allows individual employees and team-based integrated independent work groups in team-based modular, organizational components to effectively perform business operations, manage procedures and execute projects in Journal and Procedure files. While popular Dropbox, which also uses MS office documents, limits itself by the folder organizational structure and uses cloud only for file storage, QMC cloud model computing goes one step further and reaches its full efficiency by enabling project and process networking management.

That step will be a turning point in solving one of the biggest problems of today – inefficient public administration.


P&P Qmc team

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