Datum objave: 26.09.2016.

Current status and strategy

QMC ICT model is in desktop functional phase, meaning it is developed to the point where it has been tested by a small number of users and verified on a few practical examples as a part of proposals, presentations and two pilot projects to public institutions.

Although it generated positive first responses and interests, bureaucratic resistance wall came in the way to any changes in the existing system. One of the insiders ironically confessed: 'The existing system is sick but stable. It doesn’t need changes.'

Our goal is to challenge this ‘status quo’ destabilizing the ineffective bureaucratic system.

The first wave of digitally enabled 'e-goverment' strategies in Europe has already delivered some important benefits. It made government information and services more accessible to citizens while creating administrative and operational efficiencies. Unofrtunately, too many of these initiatives failed because they focused on automating existing processes and moving erroneous existing government services online.

These so-called 'e-government' initiatives are mired in old thinking such as the creation of 'government portals', 'joined-up government', and 'one-stop government'.  As such, they are missing the much bigger opportunity to change the way governments create and deliver services-ultimately changing the processes' effectiveness and executing with excellence.

The symptomatic fact all around the world is the need for public sector structural reforms, but they are yet to be enforced. European commission repeatedly highlights to Croatian government: 'the reform measures are incomprehensible and not clear enough' while Brussels also keeps using the term 'excessive administration' for their own massive bureaucracy.

'The objective is to create institutions which are stable and predictable, but also flexible enough to react to the many societal challenges, open for dialogue with the public, able to introduce new policy solutions and deliver better services. The investment in the structures, human capital and systems and tools of the public sector is oriented towards more efficient organisational processes, modern management, motivated and skilled civil servants', writes in EU Cohesion Policy, "Thematic Objective 11", 'Improving the Efficiency of Public Administration'.

The urgent need for fluent and integral procedure system model can best be seen in the fact that vast majority of current Croatian development projects are failing the opportunity to be financed by EU funds.

The problem lies in procedures that are ineffective for two important reasons:

  • obstructions caused by static vertical hierarchical organization

  • fragmentation of procedures due to their legal regulations

Integrity of a certain procedure requires hierarchical barriers to be removed and the path reversed by  forming the effective procedure flow first, before the procedure is legally formed. QMC methodology fulfills this criteria.


The main obstacle lies in disconnected local, regional and national administration caused by organizational and managemental fragmentation. The functional improvement of even one procedure such as the preparation for realization of structural projects by QMC model will result in incomparably more effective use of EU Regional Development Fund.


Our future work plan of activities will be directed to improving key procedures of the most important sectors of public administration from which citizens expect reforms and changes, such as:  EDUCATION, JUSTICE, HEALTH CARE, REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT whose realization can best demonstrate the impacts of QMC model. The next step is to contact responsible officials for their implementation as well as non-governmental organizations or citizen associations to highlight the need for their introduction.


In addition, all activities will be transparently displayed on 'QMC – New Societal Challenge' web site page  with the aim of reinforcing pressure on the current public administration, attracting the attention and support of the public. In this innovative QMC -WEB synergy, enhanced by connectivity to social networks, citizens will be able to track our proposals to public administration step by step, see their feedbacks and actively participate by offering comments and suggestions.


The next critical step is demonstrating through practical examples differences in the results when applying the existing outdated bureaucratic hierarchical model vs. QMC integrated process model whose different approach enables efficient business and public administration.


Once the QMC model is validated in practice, we want to apply it to all reform challenges  facing the public sector.


Qmc team

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