Datum objave: 26.09.2016.

Targeted users in public sector

Targeted users for QMC ICT model will be national, state and local government. Most of these government entities are still searching for an adequate solution to repair their bureaucratic systems since the existing applications have not delivered the needed improvements. Our plan is to first successfully implement the QMC solution in Croatia and neighboring countries after which we would try to replicate our success in other EU countries and around the world.

As mentioned earlier, attempts to introduce E-government continue to fail at elimintaing dysfunctional bereaucratic system because they are exclusively focused on automating the existing processes rather than on removing barriers and are therefore often duplicated, very complicated and discontinous on all local, state and national levels.

ISO quality management system is an example of inadequate solution because it does not address the effectiveness of overall procedures, but is focused solely on certain critical points and its users are unfortunately primarily concerned with obtaining their certificates.

In addition, the existing ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) and BPR ( Busines Process Reengineering ) applications such as SAP and Aris are simply too demanding and automated to resolve glitches in public administration.

Firstly a very basic and simple analog system needs to be put in place that will then allow the governement units, accustomed to working in outdated burreacratic system to start untangling discontinious processes step by step, described in a simple and logical way.  QMC is a perfect solution, offering close communication to users via QMC Journal as well as user friendly Word and PDF procedular flowcharts.

Only after QMC is set as organizational tool and main processes have been laid out, and tested over a period of time for glitches and improvements, the automation via SAP, Aris or similar tool can be implemented where applicable. QMC analog period will enable changes in the way governments create and deliver their services, ultimately altering the efficiency of the process which will lead to excellence that can be succesfully standardized.

Additional QMC strength in comparison to others, is its QMC website which will generate pressure from public to ensure the execution of planned  reforms which public administration has been dragging out and failed to implement.

P&P Qmc team 


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